Vacaville Adventist School K-8

  • Our Commitment

    The Vacaville Adventist Elementary School has made a commitment to provide the highest quality education in a Christ-centered environment. Our school is dedicated to developing the whole person, promoting academic excellence, emotional stability, physical well-being, social responsibility, and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

  • Our Goals

    • Provide a safe environment

    • Help students to excel academically

    • Teach social skills

    • Develop positive human relationships

    • Assist students in finding Christ daily

  • Academic Standards

    Vacaville Adventist Elementary School offers a quality academic program. Our teachers are fully credentialed. Student progress and testing results are regularly communicated to parents as part of our ongoing commitment to keep parents informed and involved with their child's academic progress.

Our Advantages

Each student receives individualized Christian instruction by caring teachers.  Our academic curriculum is augmented with field trips, computer instruction, art, music, science camp, and sports camp.

A Small Investment

Your child deserves the best school environment available.  How much is it worth to send your child to a school that has a safe, loving environment?  Our fees are very comparable with other private school in our area.

Openness and Acceptance

Students are accepted without regard to race or religious affiliation.  We teach them to respect one another, care for themselves, and each other.

  • Principle/ Teacher

    3rd-8th Grade

    Contact: 707.448.2842

  • Teacher

    Contact: 707.372.8638

  • Teachers Assistant

    Contact: 707.301.6331

Celebrate Achievement Through Christ